Spring Day Attire

I know for you east coasters that the weather is freezing and just absolutely insane so next week I’ll do an inspiring look for my gals who have to deal with the cold. For my west coasters though we’ve been dealing with spring weather so I threw together a very simple spring look.

I came across this Jean jacket and loved it so I started thinking what the heck can I pair with is without making it too much and I finally came up with a very simple idea. No jewelry, nothing. Jean jacket with a white undershirt and torn boyfriend jeans. For the shoes cute black and floral heels that add a pop to the jeans without drawing all of the attention. I think this look can be very versatile and work for anyone! What do you think?


You can find the jacket at lulu’s for 70.00$


The jeans can be found at Nordstrom’s for 58.00$


The shoes can also be found at Nordstrom’s for 89.00$

I do most of my shopping on keep the app. I will continue to put together outfit ideas every week and I will provide where they are found and how much they are. Hope you guys like these posts!

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